Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wk 4 Blogging Response #2

 Leadership Post: Vivian Tejedor

Capstone project work sample.

My capstone project addressed literacy engagement for the person with severe language development delays. Four students with a diagnosis of autism explored Web 2.0 tools rich in visual literacy with the goal of improving communication skills. During Phase I, students’ explored several Web 2.0 tool to see which was best to create an online word wall.  Learners chose Notaland. For Phase 2 learners worked collaboratively with same age peers without language development delays to create an online word wall. To measure communication skills gains a Functional Communication score was collected at the initiation of Phase 1, and the end of Phase 1and at the end of Phase 2. All learners made gains in their ability to initiate interaction with peers.

I would like to share my capstone project results at the American Speech and Language Association upcoming convention at the Georgia World Congress Center from November 15–17, 2012. I will go ahead and submit my paper for publication in the Journal of Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools (LSHSS) and submit the paper for the annual convention for it to be considered for an hour long presentation but judging by the data I have collected up to date my project is best suited for a poster session.  I think from all the alternatives I will enjoy a poster session the most. 

Leadership Post 1


What an amazing project! It really opens up a lot of thoughts on how new technologies can assist our at needs students in school. I feel like technology has so much to offer students with disabilities - almost to leveling the playing field in some areas!Reading about your results and how all learners gained! That's really awesome. I have no doubt that your paper and research will and should be published! Excited to see the ideas with technology and students with disabilities that your project spurs! Very well done.

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