Friday, July 22, 2011

PE4_SketchFu SKETCHFU!!!! I love it!!! I was introduced to this web 2.0 tool this week! We were meeting in my master’s class Wimba session when our instructor (a brilliant lady) (…and yes she will be reading this) brought up this tool. I had never heard of sketchfu and as I opened up the page for the first time, I was thrown off by the introduction screen. It makes the tool seem very childish, you remember the days of paint? We would play for hours on paint located in the accessories section on our computers that took up an entire desk. Well, paint would be the “caveman” addition of sketchfu, oh man has it evolved!!

Before I began to play with the tool myself I decided to take a look at the artworks others had done. Amazing! I was so excited to locate a FREE online tool that allows people to combine two passions – Art and Technology!

As I perused the site, I realized…”OMG, I could really use this in my high school art room!” My mind started going a mile a minute about the exciting ways I could use this tool. In my RILS project, I decided to try to practice exactly how I could use sketchfu. But before I could decide exactly how to use it I needed to play with the tool to see what all it could do. Basically you can pick any color from the color palette in the top left, you can pick any size brush, and the really neat thing that allows you to create such amazing artwork is that you can change the opacity of the color you are putting down. Being able to change the opacity – allows you to overlay colors and create values. As I continue to explore, I will post more!

Apple I started just playing around:

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