Sunday, July 31, 2011

BP_9 Really Cool RILS projects

The relevant and innovative learning scenario was a really fun project that we put together in our master's class this month. We each got to focus on a web 2.0 tool and implement it into a lesson that we create. My classmates had some really cool projects!

Greg Havens did an really cool video project based off academic vocabulary in This web 2.0 is like a facebook but for education! Check out my comments and his project at this link.
Another great project was Jessica Kellogg's. She is a math teacher and created a project focused around m&m's and math! How great is that! She used two web 2.0 tools in her project and one you can make your own posters! I will be all over that! Check out her project here.

Jessica Kellogg had a fabulous project incorporating web 2.0 tools and m&m's into a math curriculum. Technology and Candy - does it get any better? One of her web tools was a site called - you can create your own amazing posters! I love it! I plan to use that like crazy this year! Check out Jessica's blog here.

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